Being Your Own Boss – Worth It, or Not?

Building your wedding business

Becoming their own boss is the dream for many people. They imagine a future of forging their own paths, setting their own schedules, and reaching their own goals. Being your own boss can indeed be rewarding, but it’s far from a walk down an easy street, and it’s also not for everyone. Let’s have a […]

4 Great Tips for Streaming Live on Social Media

4 Great Tips for Streaming Live on Social Media

Whether you’re in promotions, sales, or work in the event industry when you’re ready to take the plunge and dive into live streaming on social media, it can be a scary, but exciting time. Pushing through the nervousness and ‘stage fright’ will be worth it, though, because live video is where it’s at if your […]

The Importance of Self-Care in 2020

The Importance of Self-Care in 2020

The pandemic has disrupted the daily routine of billions of people around the world. Families are confined to their homes, making everyone feel cramped and lacking in privacy. Others have been forced into social distancing on their own, which comes with another unique set of mental health challenges. Transitioning to a work-from-home environment has also […]

Working From Home and Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Working From Home and Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the status quo, and millions of office workers the world over are now foregoing the virus-ridden close-quarters daily commute. Instead, they’re spending their workdays in the relative safety of their homes. Working from home can be rewarding, and it certainly does a lot to help with curbing the spread of […]

Being a Florist in the Wedding Industry

Being a Florist in the Wedding Industry

Having owned and operated a retail flower shop, I decided to venture into the wedding industry, and there I found the vast differences between being a Florist in a retail flower shop and being one in the wedding industry. As a retail flower shop owner, the process is straightforward and simple. In the wedding industry, […]

Why You Need Inventory Management

Why You Need Inventory Management

Inventory is a recording in accounting that indicates the number of goods and raw materials that the company intends to sell. As a business owner, you should keep track of and count all merchandise. Inventory management and control ensures you have enough finished products ready for sale, equipment to use in production, and any accessories […]

6 Tips for Effective Communication With Your Team

6 Tips for Effective Communication With Your Team

Effective communication in running a business requires managers to respect their team members. Unfortunately, most managers, especially new ones, face challenges from workers who question their authority. Managers can learn the following communication techniques that can enhance their command and change employees’ perceptions of management. Here are 6 tips to ensure effective communication within your […]

How To Grow Your Business

How To Grow Your Business

It is not easy to start a professional wedding business from the ground up. In fact, the first two years, sometimes five, are the hardest for any small business trying to launch. However, that does not mean it is impossible to make it big. There several floral businesses that have grown large enough to hire […]

CRM Software for the Flower Industry

CRM Software for the Flower Industry

True Client Pro CRM, could help your Flower business! Do you have a flower business that’s increasingly harder to manage? Do you get overwhelmed when presented with several queries? Feel like you are not sure how to present a proposal to a client? Feel like you are spending hours drafting an appealing proposal?  When it […]

COVID-19 Crisis: How CRMs Are Helping Businesses Continue to Function

Businesses all over the world are stepping up and doing what they can to help stop the spread of Coronavirus, and for many, their CRM is helping them do that in a big way.  It’s a big adjustment for everyone, but even in the wedding and event industry, a CRM can help reduce the effects […]

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