Designing a bouquet with Juliet garden roses is every florist’s dream; ask anyone who has used the Alexandra Farm‘s Juliet Garden Roses. Alexandra Farms’s Juliet Roses are iconic garden roses with a high petal count, perfect for the 2024 Pantone color 2022 CP & 7605 CP. Juliet roses are soft peach to warm apricot-colored ombre garden roses. Like other garden roses, they have a classic shapely form and a full-cupped heart.
Quantity Recommendations Based On Our Design Suggestions:
Garden roses are considered luxury flowers mainly used in bridal bouquets, short compote gardens, and classic-style centerpieces.

Some garden roses, such as Ohara Garden roses, come in a bunch of 25 stems. However, Juliet’s garden roses come in a bunch of 12 stems. When using expensive garden roses, we recommend that you create your recipes while keeping the bunch quantity in mind and not overordering.
Example #1 For The Designing Bouquet With Juliet Garden Roses:
- Bride’s Bouquet: 1
- Bridesmaid bouquet: 1
- if you use seven stems in a bridal bouquet, dedicate five stems to the bridesmaid’s bouquet (if there is only one bridesmaid).

Another Example For The Designing Bouquet With Juliet Garden Roses:
- Bride’s Bouquet: 1
- Bridesmaid bouquet: 2

When you use five stems in a bridal bouquet, having seven stems left over from a bunch, thus leaving to use three stems in each of the two bridesmaid bouquets.
Here are some suggestions and guidelines; however, you can design with any number of stems of Juliet garden roses as long as you are profitable when creating floral recipes.
- Bridal Bouquet: 6-10 stems
- Maids: 3-5 stems
- Bouts: We recommend using one peach ranunculus or 2-3 spray rose buds.
- Corsages: We recommend using 2-3 peach ranunculus or spray roses, though occasionally, florists use singular Juliet garden roses for corsage work.
- Centerpieces: 3-5 stems
- Large Arrangements: 1-2 bunches
Substitute For Juliet Garden Roses:
There is no comparison for Juliet Garden roses; however, for economical reasons, there are a few things you can substitute the rose with. Consider the following flowers:
Campanella rose is a dark peach rose; however, once it is open, it is a light peach color like the Juliet Garden rose.
Free Spirit Roses are standard roses with David Austin’s rose look. They are more Sunset orange than peach roses and open very large.
Carpe Diem Roses
Country Home is also a large elegant peach rose.
Finesse Roses is a standard rose with a large creamy peach rose that is still a great substitute.
Tiffany Roses (Standard but beautiful peach color, likewise Versillia Roses (Standard Rose)
If you want Pantone color for 2024 “Peach Fuzz” flowers, any of the above-suggested roses are worth adding to any bouquet’s floral recipes.
Juliet Garden Roses Care Before Designing Any Floral Bouquets:
Juliet garden roses are surely notorious for their thorns and short, thin stems, but they make up for this in their petal count and colors. Wear gloves while processing the garden roses. All garden roses like room-temperature to cool water. Fill your large, wide-mouth vase, such as 10- 12 inches high and 8 inches wide, or a short, wide-mouth bucket. Wider containers prevent the flower petals from getting damaged or bruised. Pulling out the stems with thorns when there is little room can damage the petals.
Transportation of the Designed Bouquets Not Just With Juliet Garden Rose But Any Boquet:

The final product delivered to the receipt should be in pristine condition; one way to ensure that is by using boxes for the bouquets.
Bloom Cycle of Juliet Garden Roses Courtesy of Alexandra Farms
As florists, we often do not see the flowers from the inception of the flower bud to the full bloom. Luckily, Alexandra Farms has provided us with images to show us how to appreciate the Juliet Garden Roses in their full glory. My favorite part is not just the color of the Juliet Garden Roses but also how it changes as the rose opens.

Here is how Alexandra Farms Shares The Details About the Juliet Garden Roses
- Color: Peach and Apricot
Bloom Form: Deep Cup - Bloom Size (6-day period): Starts at 1.8 and opens to 4.7 inches
- Days to Open: Up to 4 days
Petal Count: 90 - Fragrance Intensity: 1 of 5
- Fragrance: A hint of tea
- Vase Life: 10 Days
Breeder: David Austin Roses, England - Awards: SAF Red Ribbon
- Pantone Color:
- 2022 CP
- 7605 CP
When designing with Juliet Garden roses, keep the cost of the flowers, quantity, and care in mind when including them in the bouquet designs. Juliet Garden roses undoubtedly take center stage when you design with them.
If you are not familiar with the cost and quantity and have a difficult time calculating the floral markup cost, price, and flower ordering, avoid ordering the flowers using floral software such as True Client Pro, which has all of the Alexandra Farms flowers on the product library with the images, size, wholesale floral market price ready to go for it florist to streamline their floral recipes, floral markups, flower ordering and much more.
To learn more about our tips and tricks on stem count per bouquet, bridal, or bridesmaid, take a free demo with True Client Pro, and let us show you how easy it is to create your frequently used recipe templates.