How To Be Savvy and Creative in Business

4 Quick Tips to help you be creative and savvy in your business

Many creative individuals are looking to become more business savvy, and some business folks are trying to develop their creative side. Regardless of which category you fall into, this list will give you some ideas on how to build on your creativity and grow your savvy business skills. 

Don’t Overlook the Essentials of Business

Not every part of a business will capture your attention. Accounting, marketing, finance, and customer service are critical aspects of success. You don’t need to be an expert in every area. The thought of making a budget might put you to sleep, but you need to familiarize yourself with the basics.  You can find tools online to help you manage critical aspects of a business. But take the time to learn some details on subjects like accounting and marketing. Having this knowledge will be a huge advantage in achieving success. 

Content Repurposing is Key

It might feel like it’s impossible to be creative. If you think to yourself “everything has been done before”, that is the wrong mindset. Focus on your old content and repurposing this into content that is going to save you time but also convert. Take ideas from your old content, what worked well, take inspiration from others, and mind map with a coach or some else in your business to share and bring ideas together. 

Listen to your client’s pain points

This links to content repurposing when you analyze and review what well was received with your ideal clients, what content did they enjoy seeing, and what they found valuable. It may require you to research more into your client’s pain points if you feel your content needs a lift. But always remember in business, your content is not about you, it’s all about serving your ideal clients and demonstrating your value, so be mindfully on this when creating content going forward. You ultimately want to put out engaging, informative, and problem-solving content. 

Surround Yourself with Talented People and Explore New Experiences

The best way to learn and be creative is by surrounding yourself with talented people. Life is the most powerful inspiration. Find people you can learn from, and rely on to help cover your blind spots. This will help you become more business savvy and inspire new ideas. Also continue to network and invest in your learning as running your own business is a learning experience you will never stop learning. I think connecting with others who are a few steps ahead of you will help you enormously to ensure you move forward in your business.

At the same time, expose yourself to new things. New places, people, experiences, and skills. The more you take in, the more you’ll have to draw upon to form something new. Make sure you are always striving to learn something every day! 

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